Agrotechnical requirements - plowing

Agrotechnical requirements - plowing.

Plowing is the basic tillage operation. It aims to create optimal conditions for the accumulation of water and nutrients in the soil. Plows are used to make killer whales. The purpose of the plow is to cut off furrows of appropriate thickness and width and to turn them over and crush them at the same time. Reversing the furrows enables deep covering of the surface layer of the soil, with crop residues and weeds, manure or green fertilizers. Thanks to the cover, they decompose and enrich the soil with nutrients necessary for the vegetation of new crops. Crushing the furrows allows the soil to be partially mixed and restored to its lumpy structure. It is very important to create the right porosity to ensure the access of air and water.
The most important requirements for the work of plows are:
- obtaining an even depth and width of the furrow across the entire field surface,
- good turning of furrows, complete coverage of the surface layer and good soil crumbling and loosening,
- obtaining an even surface of the plowed field without clear ridges and deep furrows.
We distinguish the following types of killer whales: stubble, plowing, pre-winter plowing and plowing covering manure or green manure. In addition to the above-mentioned types, we can distinguish depending on the depth of plowing: shallow plowing - to 12 cm, medium plowing - up to 20 cm and a deep plowing - 20-30 cm deep.