Machines and devices for fertilization

Machines and devices for fertilization.
To get high yields of plants, it is necessary, regardless of the cultivation of the soil, also its fertilization aimed at supplementing the soil with nutrients necessary for plant development. Fertilization consists in delivering an appropriate dose of fertilizer per unit area of ​​the field and its even distribution. Mineral fertilizers and organic fertilizers of plant or animal origin are used. The most commonly used organic fertilizers are: manure, slurry, slurry, economic compost, green fertilizers and peat; while for mineral fertilizers: nitrogen, saltpetre, calcium ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, urea, potassium salt, potassium sulphate and fertilizer lime.
The use of large amounts of mineral fertilizers and lime fertilizer in modern agriculture requires the introduction of efficient and efficient machines and devices that allow the maximum mechanization of the fertilization process and improve the degree of occupational health and safety during fertilization..