Setting the toe-in using two slats

img13 (6)Setting the toe-in using two slats. You can measure the toe-in or toe-in of the front wheels yourself, using e.g.. two slats. After setting the front wheels to travel straight ahead, the slats are inserted between the edges of the wheel disc first at the front, and then, on the back and on the separated slats, their mutual displacement is marked with a pencil. The difference between the measurements, i.e.. wheel alignment, is usually 2-4 Mm. Before measuring the toe-in, the front of the car is raised and by turning the wheels by hand, the points of maximum runout on the edge of both rims are marked.. Then the front of the vehicle is lowered and the wheels are aligned like this, so that the points of the greatest runout are in the plane (vertical, which makes it possible to eliminate the influence of rim curvature on the carried out convergence measurement. The convergence is now measured using a special instrument. If the measurements show inadequate alignment of the front wheels, it is adjusted by lengthening or shortening the steering link rod.