Horse harrows and tractor harrows

Horse harrows and tractor harrows.
Depending on the type of tractive force, harrows are divided into mounted and tractor harrows. The construction of horse harrows does not differ significantly from the construction of tractor harrows, and their operation is the same. The performance of tractor harrows is much greater than that of horse harrows, because tractors move at higher speeds than a horse-drawn carriage, in addition, the working widths of the tractor harrows are much larger.
Harrowing should be performed diagonally in relation to the plowing direction. This allows for better leveling of the field after plowing. When working on heavily weeded soils, clean them of the accumulated couch grass runners., plant debris and weeds. The operation of a cleaning device for a tractor-type harrow is based on this, that when weed remains accumulate, the tractor driver pulls the linkage and turns it 180 ° [3,14 work] shaft with bows mounted on its ends, which then plunge into the role with their beaks, which causes the harrow to be lifted suddenly. As a result of the movement of the tractor, the bows with the roller rotate by a further 180 ° [3,14 work], and the self-cleaned harrow falls onto the field.