Analysis of the results of theoretical and experimental research

tmp2ca2-1Comparison with the results of English research. In order to justify the possibility of replacing a real car with a cylindrical shell, the calculation results should be compared with the data obtained from the tests..

The British road test laboratory carried out research over the course of several years, car collisions. These studies were done in order : receiving data proving the nature of deformations, resulting from collisions between different cars, explanation of the impact of a variety, changes in the design of the car to the nature of its deformation, investigate, seat belts and soft upholstery in terms of the safety of passengers inside the car, etc..

Head-on collisions and collisions are there. the most severe types of collisions. For this reason, these types of road accidents received the most attention during the research in this laboratory. The test results showed, that in England, head-on collisions are 75% all accidents, collisions, side – 12%, and hitting the back -7%.

The experiments consisted in driving the car head-on onto a concrete obstacle. The mismatch of these curves can be explained by this, that the computation of the method ,,car – shell” they are used in the construction of cars with a self-supporting body; reduced mass of the car Ms, accepted for calculations, is where applicable 1000 Kg, which is roughly the weight of a mid-range car with a self-supporting body, without taking into account the mass of passengers (on the other hand, taking the car fullness into account shifts the curve upwards on the graph).