Summer and winter tires

Since the spread of winter tires, some doubts have arisen regarding the naming of tires. Instead of the concept of a universal tire (multi-season) uses the term summer tire. Would you please explain the differences??
There are really no all-purpose all-season tires, providing the same good parameters in extremely different climatic conditions. Tire structure, as well as any technical device, it is a compromise between the various, often contradictory requirements. However, the overriding criterion is always traffic safety. Differences in both tread pattern, and in the composition of the rubber mixture between winter and summer tires result from different operating conditions in winter and summer. The limit temperature is 5-7 ° C. So you can accept, that if we take into account the grip, a tire defined as universal, or multi-zone, is in fact called. summer tire, i.e.. a tire not intended for use in winter.

For some time now, tire manufacturers have used the term rain tire. What is behind this name?
The main problem when driving on wet surfaces is water slip, the so-called. hydroplaning. It arises then, when a water wedge forms between the tire and the ground, lifts the tire and causes a loss of grip. The structure of the tire should enable efficient pumping of water from under the wheel in order to avoid this dangerous phenomenon. This is mainly achieved by the correct shaping of the tread pattern, with a perimeter channel (channels) and transverse water drainage grooves. Such a tire, de facto summer, it is sometimes called rainy.

The turn of winter and spring is also the time of changing winter tires to summer ones. Would you like to recall some practical tips?, concerning the storage and maintenance of tires at home?
A better place to store tires for several months is a dark and cool basement or garage than, for example, in a garage. balcony. It is important to be away from heat sources and power generators or electric motors, that sometimes generate ozone, which is the enemy of rubber and accelerates its aging processes. All chemicals have a similar harmful effect (oils, lubricants, etc.). It is more advantageous to position the tires vertically, e.g. on the rack, rotating them monthly by 90 ° to prevent deformation. It is also allowed to stack them, which what 6+8 weeks should be reversed. When we have two sets of rims, the normal operating pressure in the tires left on them. If we have to rearrange the tires, remember to wash them with running water and carefully clean the contact points with the rim from traces of corrosion. Care with commercially available chemicals is more of a cosmetic procedure, influencing mainly aesthetics. It's worth adding, that the seasonal tire change (on one set of rims) in a specialist, professional service, using professional tools and assembly paste, does not damage tires.